Applied UI/UX Design


Wednesdays 9-12:30 e413

Bruce Norton


Block 3 Schedule

final countdown

finsihing up presentations? Case Study presentations?

cleaning up servers

week 10ish (2 classes)

warning rocks

Jan. 11, online (see Teams calendar for meeting link)

Jan. 17, in-person: case studies

usability testing (continued)

incremental gains

incremental gains to improve usability

week 9ish (2 classes)

usability testing. Doing some usability testing for an application we are working on to help students develop their transversal / soft skills. Please check out the app, then reply to the questionnaire.

And here is an article on agile development from

Dec. 21 schedule

let's get things moving

week 7

so lazy

week 6

observing intersections

Complete Guide to Freelancing: Ryan Postell

2.1 project 2 description (12/6)

Describe your website, as a web page, possibly with links to Figma (or similar), including:

This is similar to what we did in Dynamic for project 1 for exercises 1.1, 1.2 & 1.3.

ex2.2 project 2 tech plan (12/13)

Plan the technical specifcations for your website creating a web page that includes:

This builds on Dynamic project 3 where we did app plans for ex3.2.

ex2.3 UI/UX plan (12/20)

Create a plan, in the form of a website, with details about your project including:

This incorporates the UI / UX evaluations we have done for project 1 in UI/UX.

project 2: UI/UX project

Create a web application with a focus on UI/UX backed by a relational db, using PHP, mySQLi, fetch API & JSON. Using your description, tech plan and UI/UX plan, present your site as a case study.

week 5

storing stuff

Complete Guide to Freelancing: Ryan Postell

project 1: UI/UX redesign

Resdesign an existing user experience to improve both the UI & UX, each according to the evaluation criteria we have established. The experience could be a web site, an application, a platform, a system or whatever you think is appropriate.


Your project should be presented as a web page in the form of a case study you can use in your portfolio. Keep it concise and digestible for potential clients / stage hosts / employers.

due: Nov. 15 (presentation) / Nov. 22 final after improvements

week 4

users or used?

week 3

p1 redesign groups

exercise 1.3 ui evaluation

Evaluate an interface you use for it's UI. Your evaluation should:

due: Wednesday, Nov. 1 (before class)

exercise 1.1 /ui-ux/ homepage

Create a homepage in a /ui-ux/ subfolder that includes the following:

Your ui-ux homepage should:

due: Wednesday, Oct. 18

ex1.2 ux evaluation

Evaluate something in your environment for it's UX. Your evaluation should:

due: Wednesday, Oct 25 (before class)

quickie UX reflections using these evaluation criteria

  • intuitiveness: very, follows common pattern, up = on, down = off
  • efficiency
  • ergonomics & comfort: on/off is good. Adjusting intensity buttons are small, button feedback is vague, on the wrong side?
  • accessibility: good for on/off. Difficult for intensity.
  • affordance & signifiers: on/off & intesnsity work. 3rd control remains a mystery.
  • aesthetics: meh. simple. functional. materials feel cheap.
  • responsiveness & feedback: very nice for intensity feedback. All good except in intensity button feel

possible planned coding tutorials

original list

Sharing this list of common UI / UX coding techniques.

While not really techniques, first & foremost should be sites that are mobile-first & repsonsive, accessible, progressively enhanced and degrade gracefully.

UX principles

UX topics to explore this block

evaluating UX

dimensions to consider when evaluating UX

UI principles

UI topics to explore this block

evaluating UI

dimensions to consider when evaluating UI

UI / UX foundational principles

Let's check out some of the primary sources for UI / UX.

security stuff

Plus... make a backup of all your files.

remind me Wednesday to get you to backup your db's

github username & email config: In a terminal /command prompt enter these commands:

git config --global "username"
git config --global ""